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Prayer Deliverance Fellowship International​​​​​​​​​​
Giving Tuesday
Prayer Deliverance Fellowship International is joining Giving Tuesday and asking people around the world to make a difference through charitable giving on a single day: Tuesday, Nov. 29.
With your help, the message of Jesus Christ will go further and reach more lives! Today, your gift makes all the difference. Let’s share the message of God’s hope together.
Click the Link Below to donate identifying His divine plan for your life, but hopefully and prayerfully provides an avenue for you and your ministry to realize the fulfillment of it.
PDFI Give Graciously, Give Globally” effort will benefit the church’s Global Mission Fund. Gifts to the fund are immediately directed wherever the opportunity for ministry is most critical in the world to carry out Witness, Mercy, Life Together work.
PDFI Missions Division impacts people around the world and in our own backyard through acts of Christian compassion, wherever the opportunities are greatest at the time the gift is made.

You Deserve It - JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise
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